Secure Email API makes it easy and convenient to connect your own platform to our secure sending API encrypted mail servers. With the robust infrastructure we offer combined with an easy to connect to library of API calls, you can send your email easily though the Net Atlantic Secure Email API.
The Secure Email API service allows hospitals, health management organizations (HMOs), clinics, doctors, and other covered entities to integrate secure email sending with their IT infrastructure. The uses range from integrating with patient portals to securing website contact forms.
The API also allows third-party developers who are creating innovative healthcare IT solutions to focus on their applications instead of building and maintaining a HIPAA compliant email server. This can help developers get to market faster and quickly integrate a seamless email product that works on desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets and wearables.
The Secure Email API includes sending through REST of SMPT. Ask about our SDKs and other technical needs. We're here to help you get things set up and configured properly.
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